Patent Attorney Search
Hajime OKA

International Patent Division
Sr. Patent Attorney
- Field
- Qualification
patent attorney (2000)
IP infringement litigator (2004)
passed the US Patent Bar Exam (2019)
Hajime Oka has served Fukami Patent Office, P.C. at its office in Osaka, Japan since April 1995. He has extensive experience in preparing and filing applications for Japanese patents with the JPO, rendering legal advice and opinions concerning the infringement of and the validity of Japanese patents, licensing and assignment of rights in Japanese Patents, and representing Japanese and foreign clients to litigate in the Japanese Courts. His work focuses on electrical, mechanical and chemical areas. He is author of several books and often gives lectures at various IP associations, universities and companies. He is a member of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA).
graduated from Osaka University, Faculty of Engineering Science, Department of Chemical Engineering (1995)
graduated from Kinki University, Faculty of Law, Department of Law (2009)
Fukami Patent Office (1995-)
Adjunct lecturer
Adjunct Lecturer, Osaka Institute of Technology, Department of Intellectual Property (2016-2018)
Overseas training
Birch, Stewart, Kolasch & Birch Program (US) (2006)
Mewburn Ellis Program (UK) (2009)
VOSSIUS & PARTNER Program (DE) (2015)
Sughrue Mion, PLLC (US); visiting attorney (Sep. 2018 – Feb. 2019)